Řízení letového provozu ČR
type of construction
atypical constructions
type of building
general contractor
project volume of the facade
0–1,9 mil. EUR
Increased requirements of an international airport operation in Prague-Ruzyne and a new departure hall building called for a modernisation of the current ATC dispatching centre. A tower with radar copula did not satisfy the demands of effectiveness and safety of the traffic. A building with the tower has a reinforced concrete skeleton with a central elevator shaft. There was a steel structure of the new tower skeleton anchored. The skeleton was welded and as a whole lifted and set over the old tower. The new building structure is two-floored. In the upper part there is an elevated platform for five workplaces of dispatchers. Downstairs there are welfare facilities, a smoke-room and a rest room. There is a new horizontal revolving radar placed on the roof. The tower cladding is made of Reynobond sandwich boards in two colours. They cover a thermal and acoustic insulation. Dispatcher room glazing consist of an atypical polygonal structure, which meets all demanding requirements of utility properties and climatic conditions. A glazing system Schüco SK 60V is fixed on glazing bearing elements, which are welded of stainless ribbon steel. The installation and glazing technology required such adjustment. The lower floor is partially clad with sandwich boards and glazed with the same system as the upper one. The glass units, with regard to their weight and change possibility, are set from inside. They meet the requirements of sound insulation index Rw=51dB and also heat transfer coefficient k=1,36 W/m2K. Also a requirement of low inner reflection, which is 8% in this case, so that it would comply with a demand of a perfect look-through at the airport area. Outer edge is treated with Clearsheet technology for decrease of wettabilty and dirt of the glass units.